
Jon at an iron pour in Palmer, AK.

Some Words

Through the blissful naivete of childhood, the frenetic rush of young adult to choose a direction, and the adult grind one finds themself in when it all just seemed to go poof, i have always had the need to create with my hands. A desire, a passion, a necessity.

A decade ago sculpture found me. For me, sculpture cleared my perspective and brought calm to my place. My work involves metal casting coupled with found object. Pieces range from relief to sculpture in the round, to be displayed in either interior or exterior environments.

Most often i find it’s process meandering but with certain direction. Outcome thought through and hopeful, yet unknown till the end. Sculpture’s process is my solitude. It is my sanity. It is my sanctuary. As I enjoy it’s process, i hope you enjoy its product.

Some Experiences

1995-1998 – 85 credit hours geophysics undergrad UAF
2012-present – 41 credit hours sculpture undergrad UAF
2004 – Fabricator for artist and traditional woodcarver Marianne Stolz’s installation at Tri Valley school, Healy, Ak
2012 – Along with Scott Holloday, assisted sculpture professor Wendy Crowskrey in cupola construction and Fairbanks first open to the public iron pour
2013 – Ironed Out, national iron symposium Fairbanks, Ak
2013 – 3 Earl Ranch chihuahuan desert national iron symposium Sanderson, Tx
2014 – Fe,Fi,Fo, Fum, national iron symposium Fairbanks, Ak
2014 – ‘Talauti’ year long outdoor installation part of Uaf museum of the north’s arctic odyssey: voyages of R/V Sikuliaq
2015 – Bipolar national iron symposium Fairbanks, Ak
2015 – ‘Beware of dog’ won Juror’s Choice in the Fairbanks Arts Association’s spring juried show titled, “Whimsy”.
2016 – Spawning Iron, Fairbanks 4th annual iron pour
2016 – National Iron Symposium, CU Denver Denver Co
2017 – Iron Shot, Fairbanks 5th annual iron pour
2017 – Keen Foundary 30th national iron symposium Houston, Tx